Notice: Undefined index: r in /home/wmktin5/ on line 10

Notice: Undefined index: s in /home/wmktin5/ on line 11

Notice: Trying to get property 'product' of non-object in /home/wmktin5/ on line 23

Notice: Trying to get property 'miles' of non-object in /home/wmktin5/ on line 27

Notice: Trying to get property 'zipcode' of non-object in /home/wmktin5/ on line 30

Notice: Trying to get property 'product-group' of non-object in /home/wmktin5/ on line 37
error SQL: SELECT L.Customer, L.Name, L.Address, L.City, L.State, L.ZipCode, L.Telephone, L.Email, L.Website, L.ServiceCode, L.DealerRating, CAST(L.Latitude AS DECIMAL(20,14)) AS Latitude, CAST(L.Longitude AS DECIMAL(20,14)) AS Longitude, L.`Master`, L.PGSC, L.Exclude, L.Ranking, L.Distance, MAX((IF(YEAR(NOW()) - YEAR(P.LastOrdered) <= 3 AND P.ProductGroup = 0, 2, IF(P.ProductGroup = 0, 1, 0)))) AS PurchasedProductGroup, MAX((IF(YEAR(NOW()) - YEAR(P.LastOrdered) <= 3 AND P.Product = '', 2, IF(P.Product = '', 1, 0)))) AS PurchasedProduct FROM (SELECT C.Customer, C.Name, C.Address, C.City, C.State, C.ZipCode, C.Telephone, C.Email, C.Website, C.ServiceCode, C.DealerRating, CAST(C.Latitude AS DECIMAL(20,14)) AS Latitude, CAST(C.Longitude AS DECIMAL(20,14)) AS Longitude, C.`Master`, (C.PackedSC & 0) AS PGSC, (C.ExCode & 0) AS Exclude, R.Ranking, ROUND(3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN((0 - ABS(C.Latitude)) * PI()/180 / 2),2) + COS(0 * PI()/180) * COS(ABS(C.Latitude) * PI()/180) * POWER(SIN((0 + (-1 * C.Longitude)) * PI()/180 / 2), 2) )), 2) AS Distance FROM Customers C INNER JOIN Ratings R ON C.DealerRating = R.DealerRating AND 0 = R.ProductGroup WHERE 1 = 1 AND ((C.ExCode & 0) = 0) GROUP BY Customer, Name, Address, City, State, ZipCode, Telephone, Email, Website, ServiceCode, DealerRating, C.Latitude, C.Longitude HAVING Distance < ) AS L JOIN ProductHistory P ON L.Customer = P.Customer GROUP BY L.Customer, L.Name, L.Address, L.City, L.State, L.ZipCode, L.Telephone, L.Email, L.Website, L.ServiceCode, L.DealerRating, L.Latitude, L.Longitude, L.`Master`, L.PGSC, L.Exclude, L.Ranking, L.Distance ORDER BY PurchasedProductGroup DESC, PGSC DESC, PurchasedProduct DESC, Ranking ASC, Distance, Name ASC LIMIT 5;